Skipping is amazing for your overall fitness, whether it’s part of a warm-up or included in your main exercise session. There are many benefits of skipping exercises. It’s no coincidence that many athletes perform skipping drills to help with their hand-to-eye coordination and cardiovascular fitness.
Some of the fitness benefits of skipping include: -Cardiovascular system -Leg Strength -Stamina -Coordination -Bone Strength -Balance -Agility -Full Body Workout -Flexibility -Endurance
You would learn why you should include it in your fitness workout plan and why it’s amazing for your health.
The benefits of exercising with a Jump Rope
-Isometric & Dynamic Muscle Contraction Across the Entire Body -Increase Calf & Knee Strength -Lower Impact Than Running -Portable -Rapid Cardiovascular Conditioning -Mega-Calorie Burn -Improves Posture, Coordination, Agility and Reflexes -Affordable $ -It’s amazing for weight loss -It trains your abs
The great thing about a skipping rope is that you won’t find a cheaper or more effective piece of training equipment.
The benefits:
Better Endurance It as an effective way to build your running endurance and strengthen the muscle that you use while running, without your joints suffering from the impact. Consistent skipping will improve your strength, endurance and coordination over time.
More Power
When skipping, your body is forced to make many repetitive movements quickly and on rhythm so your body naturally learns how to move efficiently. It forces you to be more conscious and aware of your feet. And the more tricks you do with the skipping rope, the more conscious and coordinated you have to be. This Coordination development easily leads to better footwork. Being able to control your feet will make a huge difference over just lifting and dropping your feet all over the place.
Increased Stamina
The skipping rope can mimic many exercises. You can jog, you can sprint, you can jump high, you can jump low and do squats, lunges, twists and turns, etc. There are virtually limitless body motions you can do while skipping. Add in the fact that you can vary the intensity, speed, difficulty, rhythm, etc.
Improved Breathing Efficiency
Skipping increases overall breathing techniques and cardio. Additionally, you’re spiking your heart rate and increasing healthy blood flow. Skipping is aerobic, which helps with strengthening cardiovascular health.
The technique
1. Jump off and land on the balls of your feet 2. Keep your head up and look straight ahead, do not look your feet. 3. Always skip with a straight back. 4. Keep the core tight. 5. Make sure both hands are roughly the same distance away from the centre line of the body. 6. Make sure there is minimal movement of the elbows and shoulders. Should be generated by your wrists